HiP Radio is ON THE AIR!
First JPH!P reinvented the forum, and then the Chat Room. Then in October 2005, JPHiP rewrote the streaming online radio script with JPHiP Radio. Doing it OUR way. Not just some server playing songs on a loop, completely uncensored, without any five-second delay. HiP Radio is Radio FOR The People BY The People.
Peep the Schedule for who's on air. Current complete rotation track list. Missed a show? Grab it at ARCHIVES (Big up to Sev for da hook up!)
Check out extended stats at radio.jphip.com or the Shoutcast listing.

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The HiP Radio Story

Inspired by Ongaku! Project and Hello! Ongaku Radio (Saturdays from 10:30 pm - 1:00 am EST, Sundays from 2:30 am - 5:00 am GMT), HiP Radio plays a mix of Hello! Project, JPop, and anything else with plenty of comedy and crazy on-air personalities.
Listening Parties (The Chatroom during a radio show) started during Hello! Ongaku Episode #3 (Rika Ishikawa Graduation Special). It provided instant feedback and took the online radio experience to another level. Now everytime a HiP Radio show goes on the air, fire up the winamp and pop into the Chatroom for some good times.
Want in on the fun? Find out how to be a DJ in the HiP Radio forum. Not enough time or a little shy? You can record some splitters or CM's (check the threads for more details).
Big props to ebc for setting it up, Stryfe for the web skillz, aedon for the tunes, kuno_thunder for the mentoring, and tenkei for conducting thangs.
The HiP Jocks

These are our HiP Radio DJs from The JPHiP Community who be spinning the wheels of steel to keep you entertained every waking hour of your life.
(bold means on da current roster)
0th Generation Kuno_Thunder - the foundation. mentor. pusher of the Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR) movement
1st Generation Rei-chan, suki*, Tris-chan, Ongaku! Project Presents Hello! Ongaku Radio, aisasami, elgie, shirenu, Ping, boykun+tenkei, harlock, Maliciel, Flyp, Tettekete, Sexy Beam, Masa+daigong
2nd Generation Pink Lady Fan, Popcorn Joe, Chatin, lilday, Akito, Ericks
3rd Generation Stryfe, Odango, Princess Pudding, Amplifier, soveryshiny, yokotapioka, Lajonsky, xxzone2zonexx + Ayayan + MoonsaultV1, Greta
4th Generation arian, Nono_992, Blu Cherri. nazokage
5th Generation Miichan, mini*wheat, frozenthrone, Jabronisaur, Rina The Robot, Asmodai, nachdenki, Maki_Kanatsu, Tommy
6th Generation MochaNutz, pikapikapika/T0FU
7th Generation tru_harmony, OpsMonkey
8th Generation sayahchan, lolipopgirl, ADogg162006 & kurosawa87
9th Generation Saikami, Kimuuu & almond
COMING SOON metoice, jaysonnj, O_sLaVe, Mugen
Go to the HiP Radio Forum for more information on their shows (DJ profiles, requests, playlists, downloads) and most importantly, reply in their thread to show em your love! Don't forget you can also interact with the DJs in the Chatroom LIVE!