Who We Is

A non-profit organization, JPHiP.com is the world's leading community for the advancement of popular culture with a positive yet perverted vibe. Founded by Masa and daigong on February 22, 2005 ...

JPHiP.com The Land of The Dropping Pants
(Pronounced Jay Pee ECH Pee or Jay Pee HIP)

... The name is an acronym for
JP = Jpop/Japan for the fandom, H!P = Hello! Project
JP = Just. Perverts. HiP = hip (japanese for ass) or HiP HoP..with emphasis on H for Ecchi

butt has expanded into so many related fields, that it is simply referred to as JPHiP.com Jump to History, Mission 'N Vision...strictly FAM members only.

The Crack Staff

Comic by tama-chan - Ishikawa Rika Makes Everything Good...

Meet the people who help make it happen and are your guide to HiP Nation. Click on their name for contact info or contact us via #JPH!P@irc.jphip.com IRC Chatroom


daigong aka Pinkie aka Assman

He is a lowlife scum from Shaolin North, likes alcohol, Rika Ishikawa, Wu-Tang Clan, Chappelle's Show, Bruce Lee, and Scarface. His specialty is brushing his teeth and mowing the lawn.

Masa aka Baldie aka A Pimp Named Masa

He is a full time wanker from Finland, likes alcohol, Rika Ishikawa, Wu-Tang Clan, Chappelle's Show, Ben Affleck, and Scarface. His specialty is waxing his big bald head and one hand typing.


arian - Pics / Graphics Queen + AKBar48 + Idoling!!! + Manlove

Howdy, y'all? This is Arian, floating on one of the 7,000+ islands that make up the Philippines. Shopping, dancing and singing, blogging, photoshop, daydreaming and fruit smoothies are just some of the things that make up my world. Goto Maki takes up most of my life because she will always be my number one idol and inspiration.

arun.yothin - The Perv + LLF


Asmodai - HiP Joint

I'm Asmodai - aka Asmo. I mod (and spend most of my time in) the H!P Joint, but I can be found all over the forum. I'm the staff's biggest Konno fan. Lately I've fallen in love with SNSD and I'm also a big Ayu fan. I'm in IRC most of the time, so pop in and say 'Hi'.

Ayabie - J-Music + DOMO + Idoling!!!

Ayabie here, the token swede of the forum, and incidentally the J-Music Zone moderator~ I enjoy anything that emits a sound, especially all kinds of music that put me into these weird emotional states. Apart from music, I also run my own brothel called "Photoshop". Oh, and I'm a frequent 2ch visitor. (笑)

BarrieV - AKBar48 + SCANDAL

The Belgian rocks it out!

ebc - RIVE + Akihabara; Head Geek In Charge aka HGIC

hoi! I am ebc, mod for the Rive and the Akihabara. I'm from Australia and I'm a nerd but I like girls who are nice and I have various specialties but they're secret. Rika <3

O_sLaVe - The AME

What uppppp, it's O_sLaVe and I'm here to serve your entertainment needs. Be gentle, please! Or I'll make it rough >:T Probably younger than you think I am and I'm (in)famous under any name that has ' sLaVe ' in it cuz I'm that foo you wish you could be.

jabronisaur - The Perv

Back for a second tour of duty, the original boss of The Perv.

lollipopgirl - KARA

The perviest KPop fangirl from down under!

shirenu - H!P + Official H!P Girls + SNSD

It's SHIRENU!! I'm officially a mod of H!P News, H!P Crapola and the H!P Girls Threads. I'm Finnish, 23 in 2008, female, and besides H!P I'm addicted to TV (especially Lost and certain reality shows), the Sims 2 and chocolate. My specialty is H!P Eggs. Nice to meet you!

tama-chan - H!P + Official H!P Girls + KPOP + SNSD + AME

tama-chan, ruler of hell. JPHiP mod. A Bangkokian. Like trouting people which is also my specialty.

tenkei - J-Music + DOMO; Radio Guardian

i'm tenkei, i supposedly mod the DOMO forum (your one stop shop for dorama and movie needs). i hail from socal, USA and host basugasubakuhatsu on jph!p radio 3 days a week.when it comes to music, its hard to find something i dislike (unless you throw some AAA at me). i only have 2 rules: 1)stay away from yossi and eri; 2)i reserve the right to make up new rules whenever the hell i want :D

those found breaking said rules will be requisitioned a nice stabbing with miyabi's chin. yoroshiku~

Thimas X - Sports

He is the resident sports loving emo kid. "Junior" represents from Dallas, Texas. His specialty is tennis and wanking.

Yuuyami - Fanfics


History of JPHiP

It all started with The P.I.E.H.O.L.E.

It started with two pervs - daigong and Masa - who wanted to speak their perverted minds about Rika Ishikawa's ass in peace. Joined by tama-chan and The Crack Staff, JPH!P was born on February 22, 2005. JPHiP was created so we could just fuck around.

- Founded by Masa and daigong on February 22, 2005.
- The official colors are hot pink, silver, black, and white.
- The official drink is Hennessy XO
- The official sport is wanking
- The official animal is cat
- Renamed JPH!P on August 22, 2005 due to legal threats.
- First person to 1000 & 10,000 posts is daigong.
- Undisputed "The Struggle" 3-Time Champ is Masa at 30+ days.
- Current ass logo adopted July 7, 2007
- moved to own IRC Server November 2010

That quickly led to building an IRC Chatroom along with sections for porn, fanfics, and the ultimate wet dream: Rika's own forum for overseas fans aka The RIVE. JPH!P changed the game by being a fun place to chill out without censors and anal rules. The summer of 2005 gave birth to the new and improved forum, aptly renamed JPH!P / JPHiP. We felt that there were a lot of japanese culture sites out there that were fairly one-dimensional, specializing in just music, dramas, porn or anime and gearing specifically to one gender. We wanted to bring all of that shit under one roof and cater to everyone and talk about everything from anywhere on the internets. RELEASE YO DELF!

Subsequent years saw us go through the ups and downs. Major HiPsters came and left. Our free webhost threatened us, so we had to censor the porn from July 2005 to April 2006. We built the Radio in October 2005, moved to JPHiP.com for good and built The Tracker in early 2006. A gathering of EPIC proportions known as JPH!P World Tour: June 2006. Over a dozen HiPstaz hit Dallas, Las Vegas, and So Cal producing the craziest event. Things crashed and were rebuilt from scratch. Enough material for Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories. Ain't no stoppin, we still poppin.

Why? Cuz there is NO QUIT in JPHiP. We keep dreaming it up, we keep shitting it out. We stuck to our vision of creating the best damn website ever. Officially adding a logo in 2007 and making the slickest, tightest site ever, Da HiP has spawned shit like chatroom, news, radio, image board, fansubs, rpg, game shows, tracker and more. The sky is the limit because we do shit OUR way. Throw out all the kawaii and bring on The Ecchi with influences from HiP HoP, Bruce Lee, Chappelle, and Scarface.

Mission 'N Vision


JPH!P's core purpose is to foster a fun and positive community through open-mindedness, innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.


JPHiP.com will strive to be the best website in the universe. WE RUN THIS!


Building tradition for over five years, here is the mosaic that we do every anniversary:

Signage from 2006 - crest by tama-chan <3 everyone's avatar mosaic'dSignage
Signage from 2008 - global power by Hakai <3Throw it up from 2009

Signage from 2010 - JPHiP's Five Idols Stuffing their Pieholes

With members from all around the world, the meats of JPHiP is diversified beyond your imaginiation. It's The Japanese Pop Culture site with Hello! Project! Japanese Music! Porn! Geek! and so much more! We are here to give you a fun and POSITIVE environment to talk about anything that is on your mind and share selflessly. JPHiP is COMMUNITY FIRST so join The FAM and experience HiP Nation for yourself.

Like HiP HoP culture, we at JPHiP continue to explore new and better genres. HiPstaz is CRAZY! OMGASS! On behalf of The Crack Staff, enjoy your stay.

One Love.
The JPH!P Administration