Recognize a JPHiP Legend: ChrNo

C'est ChrNo aka Jennifer Tam - the girl from France. IT'S A TRAP! Berryz fan and Buono supporter, she drew many drawings of Miyabi and populated the JPH!P Forums with her witty puns and illustrations. She was the President of The Tama-chan fanclub, and we'd all follow her lead in creeping tama out. ChrNo would never hesitate to contributing artistically to JPH!P, in drawings, song and dance. She designed many banners and our mascot, the little ass guy back in 2007:

When the task was to record a JPH!P Version of Morning Musume's "Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari" for JPH!P's 5th Anniversary, ChrNo stepped up to the plate and wrote, sang, and arranged several verses for HiPstaz
On April 26, 2011, we were stunned to learn the news that she had left us, just a day after Berryz held their first appearance and concert overseas. We will continue her legacy, representing the Berryz and H!P fandom in a positive manner through humour. "Za Story of Noisy HiPstaz" is officially adopted as The JPH!P National Anthem as we keep singing and dancing for you ChrNo <3
ChrNo...missing you 11 years.

Remember the time we gave Berryz our memory book of ART and got em all to sign it in Seattle!!! REMEMBER CHRNO.

I want you all to know this special person because well, I considered a great friend. Bringing people together. Skyping before all this Zoom bullshit! Fanfics, funny comics people call memes nowadays! Hilarious Posts. Random IRC chats before all this Whatsapp!! Get off MY LAWN!! ChrNO MY HOMEGIRL!! LOL
The past few years during these 'Rona Times, the stigma has been lessening and mental health is spoken more openly than ever before. I'm still learning and just remember, you're not alone. The "It's OK to be not OK" has never rung truer. We at JPH!P are accepting of all (within legal goodness) and just being yourself is good enough man. If we could all live as carefree and happy like ChrNo, they world would be a better place. It is up to us to educate ourselves and learn more and reach out to those in need. A simple "How you doing" goes a long way. Fuck. I should really practice what I preach lol I miss my jphip folk but I'm in hermit mode but jphip is LYFE baby. That smiling ass knows well.

Pour A Little Liquor. But Def. I'm gonna PLAY DAT ANTHEM !!! Sing it ChrNO!!!!
Warms my heart every time I hear that ghetto quality sound. Oh man she'd record shit off the phone for us, whip up art NO FUCKS GIVEN** that ending is the Radio splitter she made where in Cantonese she goes "Hello? What are you saying? Say it then BYE BYE!!" Fuckin so versatile, a true artist and fuck I wish I met her in real life.
Here is a collection of all her art and music at

ROCK DA SHIRT to represent and benefit mental health awareness. Read about it.

Yo did you vote for Macron?

Let's crank up the tunes!!! SING LOUD AND PROUD CHRNO!!

ChrNo...missing you for TEN years :(

I want you all to know this special person because well, I considered a great friend. Bringing people together. Skyping before all this Zoom bullshit! Fanfics, funny comics people call memes nowadays! Hilarious Posts. Random IRC chats before all this Whatsapp!! Get off MY LAWN!! ChrNO MY HOMEGIRL!! LOL
Please. It is OK to be not OK. Mental Health has never been more critical in these days of the covid-19 pandemic. Please be Fucking Safe. We need to reach out to others and speak out. It brings me much joy to see everyone interacting in whatever medium there is be it discord, IRC, twitch, twitter, even fucking Animal Crossing. There is no way we cannot reach out and touch someone in these non touching covid times. We WILL be together hugging each other once again SCIENCE WINS!! for ALL THE DEETS!!
We all have anxiety or mental fatigue from the covid-19 outbreak, we can't talk people in real life, life is mundane but hey we will get through this. We can all cum together and pull through. And when you need help, please please do not hesitate to reach out. And when you see those who need help, reach the fuck out!!! We in it together!
I know I should practice what I preach, fucking holing myself up in my Home Office grinding out shit as I work pressure gets to me but them assholes at work under pressure too with finances and not enough sex at home, who the fuck knows. We must be all be compassionate and find that common ground. Not to let external shit get to you and come together in the most positive and spiritual way, whatever you need to have that clarity - get the help and talk to someone!!

BIG SHOUT OUT to PEG SHEETY Fucking JPHiP Discord SUPER REI CHAN TDUCK for the RAndom Tweets. Pudding Poking me on FitBit

Warms my heart every time I hear that ghetto quality sound. Oh man she'd record shit off the phone for us, whip up art NO FUCKS GIVEN** that ending is the Radio splitter she made where in Cantonese she goes "Hello? What are you saying? Say it then BYE BYE!!" Fuckin so versatile, a true artist and fuck I wish I met her in real life.
Here is a collection of all her art and music at

ROCK DA SHIRT to represent and benefit mental health awareness. Read about it.

I have the XXXclusive face mask (see my FB gram too lazy to post and my key board is wack) that I made back in July 2020 and its a little tight

Always in our hearts, Lil Siu Pang Yau (Cantonese for Lil Buddy) SACREBLEU!! Thank you to all her friends for sharing her life with us nach, zigg CAPTAIN POWER!!! words, and sh1buya

What your thoughts? How are you pulling through mentally? It hits us in many ways, and fuck, everyone stay safe. We wanna see each other again in 2022. GET DA JAB!!!

ChrNo...we miss you, nine fuckin years later...:(

Check it's still fuckin up the links still work! Man I think I saved her artwork, at least photobucket didn't go down!

A day later, I learned that she took her life as if to say. "My life is complete." I don't know. I still can't put the shit together after all these years. But best believe, we honoured her memory. Kept her art going. Her posts so wacky and funny. We published the JPH!P Anthem, we sang verses of Morning Musume's Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari a project from which we were working on:
It was from those events that spawned more world events like Morning Musume in Mexico, Buono! in Europe etc. FUCK You know what we should do is publish fuckin the interview you see above. The Homies Nizama Ping and PomPom did in New Jersey at animenext She'd be so happy. We never did get permission or authorization like wtf. It'll be in the secret section.
Keep an eye out for the banners she made! These smileys she made. EMOJIIS

Keep healthy everyone, stay strong, wash hands, social distance, all bots will be defeated they will never infiltrate us!! Pour a little for our Homey Jen aka ChrNo

Gonna rock the shirt. To represent and benefit mental health awareness. Read about it.

ChrNo, Jabronisaur, Fushi, marimari, loved ones that have left this great world we live in. I cannot ... WE CANNOT fuckin let their memories fade away. I may not be that active. But Lord knows I'm working hard. Keep on letting JPH!P and ChrNo down. In these times of pandemic COVID19 we must be more together than ever and it starts right here. Right now. Fuck I was so happy to even connect reply to dudes I haven't heard from in ages. Let that smiling ass remind us Positivity will OVERCOME ANYTHING.

SO STAY STRONG . Stay tuned to the radio. Blast your fandom. Go cruising. PHYSICAL Distance. Maintain Social Existence. Make the most of your life. BE LEGENDARY.
Once we defeat COVID19. Get the vaccine. Best believe. JPH!P WORLD TOUR France and BEYOND!!!

ChrNo...eight years memorial thread.

Never will we forget you. Nor will I let anyone forget her. I heed, and plead to those who knew her and loved her. Let's come together and share her stories. Celebrate her life. Keep the flame going. My computer is a mess, but not your face. There is still so much we can do for her and this is by BEING YOURSELF. She never was shy about her fandom and expressed in dance, art, song, story, rants, posts, whatever came to mind.

Whenever I would call on her to do some lil artwork or music, BOOM here we go. Just doing it having fun and not worrying about the likes or retweets, cuz this is what we do what we built. So her mic sounded like an AM ghetto blaster. Man, she saw what me and Masa did with our drunk radio using the mic pointed at a speaker. Who gives a fuck we just having fun man!! But what she churned out was GOLD!! So lucky to have ChrNo in our lives:

MERDE! This is JPH!P the Radio Splitter she dropped. OH hey dai-tan as she would call me, you want JKM verses? How about A DOZEN? How about every fuckin JPH!P member possible. Holy fucking shit just pure gold. And to this day, her loss still eats at me but I carry on. Live everyday with the passion and positivity that makes JPH!P great. I want to thank every one of you who takes the time to show a little love to our buddy ChrNo. Tonight, the Henney be flowing.

Gonna rock the shirt. You know what it's all about. Read about it.

Go rock your fandom. Spread positivity. JPH!P FOLYFE.

CHRNO WE MISS YOU!! Seven Years Later...

ChrNo drew the JPHiP Mascot

Massive H!P Berryz Buono! Fangirl artist fanfic fan extraordinaire (ART! we gave to Berryz in Seattle in 2011, also from her blog just some photo-realistic compilations such as this:

calling me dai-tan cuz dai-chan sounded girly

here is the end product produced by Rei-chan!!! of Ongaku Project fame and we added more verses but I mixed this just OPV with ChrNo innit
We made it the JPHiP National Anthem! MAN! She was always down to help out and make

Her Death by Suicide rings in my ear to this day. No matter how pink and positive, I know this hangs like a cloud. Even for me. Daigong laughing crazy positive I haven't been the same since. BUT TO HONOUR HER. And those who we have lost, WE MUST FIGHT ON!!!! Let us help others!!!
Mental Health is serious matters man. With all the senseless killing it has to start somewhere. Gun Control. Teaching at home and school and fuckin the internet. Holy shit if the whole world was JPH!P it would be a better place, eh? Fuck get on the forum and brighten someone up, talk shit and be positive. Got a problem? Work talk it out. Mental Health can't be something we just sweep under the rug, be too manly to even discuss. Time and Time again, I dare not peek into the thread or comments only to be inrushed with memories of letting Jen aka ChrNo down.......
Let me learn, let us open the discussion. I've posted this incredible mental health podcast with NHL Goalie Clint Malarchuk
So I promised to keep the JPH!P Spirit Alive to ChrNo, Jabby and y'all and best believe THEY IS THE REASON WHY. Find your WHY. This is the best damn community in the world because of people like ChrNo AKA Jennifer Tam.
These two funny gals coming together ESP. love this pic, ChrNo and Fushigaine are smiling down upon us:

That journey she went on, wanting to surprise shirenu and Fushi at the Japan Expo

Honour her and wear your Official ChrNo Memorial T-shirt (available at - all proceeds go to Mental Health Charities ($3.10 per shirt) will go to Mental Health Awareness charities based in France and worldwide:

DISCUSS. Mental Health Issues, let us communicate with one another because you are not alone. I went through some mental health first aid training last year and shit was DEEP. Fuckin. I still don't know so let's help each other:
SO ONCE AGAIN. Thank YOU. For listening, sharing, and caring. Let's drink one for CHRNO!!! Gonna pour another

President of the Tama-chan Fanclub

You can see her works in her blog:
We continue to honour her by singing Za Story of Noisy HiPstaz and supporting Berryz / Buono to the fullest. More threads can be found in the...ARCHIVES...