Recognize a JPHiP Legend: Fushigidane
OK in spirit LETS DO THIS. Every August 22 is a time we take to recognize the postwhoring prowess and spirit of REBRAND. REINVENTION. REJUVENATION. Today 16 years ago we gave ourselves that identity so special shout out to kuno_thunder and Sexy Beam!! with the quick graphics and bowchickabowwow sound bite!!! Shout out to Da Crack STaff who voted the name into power!!!

And around this time eight years ago late August we lost our home girl Fushi aka Fushidigane aka Veera (

She was a fun loving beautiful Finnish girl of H!P Fandoms, SUPER Reina Fangirl whom we had the pleasure of knowing during my hANGRY & ANGRY tours around the globe. To this day we do not know what happened but her loss is still felt to this day. Fushi's spirit remains in just being silly and WHY SO SERIOUS!? Here she is seen with our dear friends in France the late ChrNo

SO in the spirit of FUN! and HAPPINESS!! let's crack open a STRONG ZEROP DOUBLE LEMON and reflect on what 8/22 is all about. The Spirit of Postwhoring. The Spirit of Being Who We Wanna Be. Fushi would post funny off the wall stuff YET have the time to have DEEP CONVOS while wearing adult diapers chugging redbull with kurosan808 and Masa GREAT TIMES!! Check out the archives! The old threads where guys woke up at just whored the fuck outta stuff and the forum went into mod`s nitemare

PROTECT YOURSELF! Your mental health, speak out and help each other!!! Throughout this 'RONA I am so thankful to have JPH!P in my life, the freedom to bullshit and be stupid. To have made the friends that I have and thankful at anytime with the touch of a screen or click of a mouse they are THERE.
THE SITE RENEWED we continue the memory of our fallen homies ChrNo, marimari, Jabronisaur, Fushi - our missing bro Thimas. And more recently this past May 8, 2021 we also lost one of my fiercest rival in Postwhoring Olympics in KURO808. We will continue to bring awareness to cancer research, mental health awareness and just being good peoples.
ALWAYS. NEVER forgetting where we came from. That is what 8/22 means to me.
New to the forum? Go on and jump in the HiP JOINT and speak up!!! Make a thread! HAVE FUN!!!
Old to the forum - rediscover JPHiPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP for the first time!!

Man I gots to make a banner

LETS DO THIS. Every August 22 is a time we take to recognize the postwhoring prowess and spirit of REBRAND. REINVENTION. REJUVENATION. Today 15 years ago we gave ourselves that identity so special shout out to kuno_thunder and Sexy Beam!! with the quick graphics and bowchickabowwow sound bite!!! Shout out to Da Crack STaff who voted the name into power!!!

And around this time seven years ago late August we lost our home girl Fushi aka Fushidigane aka Veera (

She was a fun loving beautiful Finnish girl of H!P Fandoms, SUPER Reina Fangirl whom we had the pleasure of knowing during my hANGRY & ANGRY tours around the globe. To this day we do not know what happened but her loss is still felt to this day. Fushi's spirit remains in just being silly and WHY SO SERIOUS!? Here she is seen with our dear friends in France the late ChrNo

SO in the spirit of FUN! and HAPPINESS!! let's crack open a STRONG ZEROP DOUBLE LEMON and reflect on what 8/22 is all about. The Spirit of Postwhoring. The Spirit of Being Who We Wanna Be.

PROTECT YOURSELF! Your mental health, speak out and help each other!!! Throughout this 'RONA I am so thankful to have JPH!P in my life, the freedom to bullshit and be stupid. To have made the friends that I have and thankful at anytime with the touch of a screen or click of a mouse they are THERE.
THE SITE RENEWED we continue the memory of our fallen homies ChrNo, marimari, Jabronisaur, Fushi - our missing bro Thimas. ALWAYS. NEVER forgetting where we came from. That is what 8/22 means to me.
BUTT 2020 has been the most challenging year ever. With natural disasters and a virus no one has ever seen before, it ain't no fucking flu or H1N1 covid-10 coronavirus whatever you call it is fucking lives up, sweeping the world and affecting our lives and health. MASK UP. VITAMIN D UP. SCIENCE WINS!!!
To SPEAK OUT against injustice: Blacks Lives Matter protests really shines the light on whoever and whatever we are. Will YOU go out and be the best person possible?
And most recently, the exposing ..coming to light they ugly truth of H!P Fandom - and Jeez. Fandom / Internet Life in general: Sexual Predators, Sick Fucks some within these walls. Just boggles the mind but time and time again - we have heard those who were affected stories and WE BELIEVE. Read more about it here with links to the Twitter cases:
A year out my boy kuro goes in for the fight of his life. Cancer is a BITCH and we will continue to FIGHT AND WIN!!!!!!!
New to the forum? Go on and jump in the HiP JOINT and speak up!!! Make a thread! HAVE FUN!!!
Old to the forum - rediscover JPHiPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP for the first time!!

lol hey Stryfer, lets make a banner

LETS DO THIS. 8/22 Is When We Got renamed to be this VERSATILE FORUM. REBRAND never felt so sweet. We also drop a shout out, a little liquor for a lil homie FUSHI!! So this weekend FUCK IT. For 5 Straight Days 8/22 to 9/22 Let's fuckin WHORE like we never POSTED LOL.. Get those threads out, fuck let's do some great content shit. Throw out some Polls. Teach us what y'all been up to! Back in my ass is to revamp LLF. Fix all the fuckin PHOTOBUCKET links that are broken!!! CANTSTOPWONTSTOP POSITIVE V! V!!!! So get your sweat pants and adult diapers out and get ready to ROLLL!
Let's crack one open and reflect on what 8/22 is all about. The Spirit of Postwhoring. The Spirit of Being Who We Wanna Be. And that's what Fushi ( embodied. WHO is that you say?

fIRST AND foremost. I wanna recognize this day for Fushi aka Fushidigane. She was a fun loving beautiful Finnish girl of H!P Fandoms whom I had the pleasure of knowing during my hANGRY & ANGRY tours around the globe. We lost her five years ago yet her spirit remains in just beiing silly and WHY SO SERIUS , she is seen with our dear friends in France too. Seen with ChrNo

To me every day we have

THUSLY AND JUSTLY for the next month go NUTS. I will. I will get 50,000. I will pick up the Slack as my boy kuro goes in for the fight of his life. We stand as ONE


POSTWHORING OLYMPICS 2017!! (2017/08/20)
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!! You know I can't even explain. With all the fuckin violence and hate going on in the world, the one place I can even make sense and find comfort is JPHiP. That place that saved and changed my life with just a mindset to do good be positive and love whatever the fuck I want without hurting others. ITS DAT SIMPLE.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!! You know I can't even explain. With all the fuckin violence and hate going on in the world, the one place I can even make sense and find comfort is JPHiP. That place that saved and changed my life with just a mindset to do good be positive and love whatever the fuck I want without hurting others. ITS DAT SIMPLE.

So August 22nd was when we rebranded as

- Post as much as you can in 48 hours. Pure Mayhem.
- Make First Post in START thread (coming soon) declaring your participation and Last Post when you FINISH!
Judges: The JPHiP Administration
TBH I ain't even gonna make it a competition let's just have FUN!! FUSHI WASSSUP!!

You will not only be judged by quantity but also quality: making threads, uploading, funny and insightful takes. That's what sets

Check out the 1st Annual Postwhoring Olympics (start thread)
and the 2nd Annual Postwhoring Olympics for a taste of what went down: (start thread)
and PWO3 (start thread)
and PWO 4 (start thread)
and PWO 5 (start thread)
and PWO 6 (start thread)
and PWO 2016

Top 3 get a prize like, medals, endorsement deals, etc. in digital freemium format. And Baller / Ballerina Status.


"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings and the feelings of others before your own rights."
- John Wooden
Rest In Peace, Fushigidane

This is Fushigidane, real name Veera. She passed away at the end of August according to messages on her personal Facebook page. She was a 20 years old awesome Finnish girl.
I can only speak for myself, so this is my story of Fushi as a friend and person to those who didn't know her, or only knew her from a few posts.
I first met Fushi in person when she came to meet many of us in Helsinki for the Hangry&Angry gig in 2010. She was this bright, random, energetic girl that I instantly took a liking to and immediately found really easy to talk to and joke around with. To me, this kind of person is incredibly rare, a special gem.
Later that year I made an impulsive decision to go see Morning Musume at the Paris Japan Expo. Fushi was also interested, so we ended up going together. I couldn't have asked for a better travelling buddy. The thing is, everyone who's read my trip report will know that it was an absolute mess. Every time me and Fushi tried to get to our hotel (in the middle of nowhere - my fault) we got lost for several hours. At the Momusu concert, Fushi started to feel sick because of messed up blood sugar levels and missed most of it. We lined up overnight for tickets to a MM autograph event and didn't get any. We were cold and tired and got fucked over by the expo, and there was a bomb scare at the airport before our return flight. If I wasn't with Fushi I probably would've gone mad from all the things that went wrong, or would still be lost somewhere on the outskirts of Paris... But her great sense of humour, super chilled attitude and just warm friendliness kept us both going and laughing at all the things that went wrong. (I still hate Paris, though.)
You may recognize her from one of our banner pics...

This spring I went to Tokyo and met Fushi there. It had been years since we last met, but she hadn't changed at all. Well, except in appearance cuz she got hot.

Fushi after a Morning Musume concert with her Reina shirt on. She LOVED Reina :3

Chrno and Fushi in Paris... RIP both awesome girls.
As a final note, could I just ask a favour from all of you sweet friends of mine. Please, please take care of yourself. Whether you're hurting physically or mentally, tell someone, seek help. If you have an illness, an allergy, a special condition, let people around you know because that information could save your life one day. Don't do this just for yourself, but for everyone you love and who loves you. I do not know how or why Fushi died, but at 20 years old, she deserved another chance. So please, take care everyone; look after yourself and each other. This is my humble request.
Rest in peace, Veera. Thanks for being a part of my life.
Original post:
Dear friends, I have some bad news
I've just checked Fushigidane's facebook page and it appears she has passed away at the end of August. I don't know how and I guess that part isn't even important.
Rest in peace Veera